You Get What You Deserve

You deserve all good things. Karma and blessings. How what you think about materializes in your life.


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Will Banning Cryptography Keep the Country Safe?

Every production worthy website uses end-to-end encryption in some sense. Data is encrypted when it leaves your computer and is decrypted again as it enters the website’s servers. This makes sure that no malicious third party (which “inconveniently” includes government agencies) can spy on your data.

The practical problem is that the math behind encryption is already public knowledge. Criminals will ALWAYS have the ability to encrypt data securely without backdoors, no matter what Congress decides. All that a bill restricting encryption rights would accomplish is to put everyone’s personal privacy and security at unnecessary risk.

Emotional bills based on irrational fears are rarely a good idea to push quickly through congress. These kinds of proposals are typically used by politicians looking to create a problem that they can subsequently “solve” in order to look the hero.

If the argument for a regulation starts with something like:

then it probably deserves a thorough vetting based on evidence, data, and rationality. Laws that go into effect based on emotional hype historically haven’t turned out well:

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