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I would like to discuss how world war 1 affected the fashion and the lives of the women. World war had made drastic change in the fashion world and because of that today we are free to wear anything in life.

During war when men took off to fight women took the Jobs that men did before war. Women and girls that before worked as domestic servants now had to work in factories, worked as drivers, nurses and farm workers, also some volunteers for organizations like the red cross and some even joined the army.

-Many of these new duties that women had to do involved physical movement that where not easy to do wearing Edwardian type of clothes so fashion began to change so it could allow women to perform their duties in a easier way.

-By 1914 women’s clothing had lost the rigid, tailored lines of the Edwardian period, a military look crept into fashion, women started to wear military inspired clothes, tunics, jackets, belts and epaulets.

-Also during this period people took a plainer lifestyle, Women stopped wearing jewelry, all the lavish Edwardian fashion disappeared. Skirts became shorter so it could allow women to move easily. The use of color became sober and muted.


-Bathing suits changed, they became less about covering your body and more about the ability to actually swim, before bathing suits where dress-like but now the one piece bathing suit was introduced to society and women started to use it.

One piece bathing suit


In London the famous fashion designer Burberry patented an all weather breathable fabric, that at first was used by farmers and then it was approved for military use.

Then this coat adopted a more fashionable shape when women started using it. This new coat style became a classic for the rest of the century and it is still today, the trench coat has been reinvented thousands of time but even today it still has the same shape that it adopted during the WW1.


The idea of fashion shows started in 1911, before designers worked individually with clients, creating personalized looks, but during war less people could afford a personal style.
So designers started to show their creations to more people at the same time, and this is how fashion shows started.

The first designer that started this was Paul Poiret who had a traveling fashion show around france, and in 1913 he took his successful show to the US

During the war fashion shows became really successful, so several fashion shows where organized to raise funds for the war effort.

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